Director’s Message

Dear Reader,

Dreams are about the destination and not the journey. Yet dreams define the journey too. It is rightly said by Dr. A P J Abdul Kalam” Dreams are not what you see in sleeps, They are the things that do not let you sleep”. In the peaceful environment of himalayas where we see the clear sky so we have the high goals. In the modern era of Globalisation where every village is connected globally though social media or other means, we want our students to compete and represent us in National as well as International arena. Hence the sectors we have chosen are Healthcare and Hospitality. NSQF which is adopted by more than 150 countries, we prepare the Students for this qualification system even from the remote areas of hills.


A diverse team behind Pokhram which comprises of Experienced Doctors, Professionals from Media/ Corporate/ Hospitality industry, associates from IITs and IIMs, Scientists, Meditation Gurus and many more who work for a common goal to enhance the capabilities of students so that they can aspire, become more employable and enter into a quality personal/ professional life.


As one of the non-government organization in the country, Pokhram focuses on high quality, low cost interventions to address gaps of the education and skill development. Established in 2016, to provide vocational education and training to students for their sustainable livelihood and greater aspiration for life. Apart from all this, continuous efforts are made on our students to make them a good human being.

Tribhuwan Singh Bisht